Monday, October 19, 2009

Don't Drink Packaged Milo Drinks!!!

This is an E-mail sent by my friend, it's shocking!!!
I don't think I'll ever buy Milo again...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Still Mad...

I must say, luckily Su Hsiang and Svenni ask me out, or really now I'll be in the jail, crime?

Killing a XXXXXXX teacher.


Yesterday, go met up with Su Hsiang and Svenni, meet at Subang Jaya KTM Station.

The train was late, so do I when I reached there.

They were celebrating my early birthday, with another friend, Siew Kim.

Later on, meet up with Sheng Wang and his brother, Sheng Yang.

But really paiseh, Su Hsiang have to drive me to KL Sentral Station.

She would be late when reach home.

Well, if I saw my results yesterday, I really have killed him!!!


All my hardwork... T________________T

XXXX Drawing II !!!

What the heck with his problem???!!!

All the hard work and tension, give me an "F" !!!

Go XXXX la, so smart don't work at UTAR la, go open a company la!!!

XXXX you!!!

Drag all my GPA!!!


First time THAT LOW!!!

Not even got 2.0!!!

Didn't sleep for a whole day and that's what I get!!!


No wonder you haven't married!!!

You so awesome and why all of us wanna XXXX you???!!!

Your XXXXXXX attitude la!!!

That's why your life also get an "F"!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Trip to Kedah, Day #1

So sorry that I've forgotten to check my camera before departed to Kedah, no pictures, relax, it's in my junior's camera. She really is a psycho, tell you later.

For those who have known earlier, my friend, Siew Kim and I planned to go vacation, not ordinary one, unarmed with information and a detail plan, we tried Delima Express at counter 93 in Puduraya Bus Station cause it was the cheapest and the only bus that met our time for only RM 33 at 2:30 pm as suggested by my junior. She told us to buy tickets departed at 12 to 2 pm.

Reached Puduraya at 2:15, bought some tidbits for the trip, too bad, can't sleep in the bus. The bus made us waited for 1 hour, reached at 3:30, caused by traffic jam. Never mind, it's Sunday, what could it be if it wasn't the jam blues. Hopped into the bus, nearly fainted. Oh my, it's gloomy!!! And it's leaking water (right behind the last row, pity the guy, last one, cant' choose seats anymore). OK, never mind. The bus was filled with Malays and Indians. Only two of us were Chinese, some more, girls. Please, just hurry up, let us reached the destination.

Tell me, the ride was OK in the begining, till we reached Bagan Serai. Oh, why on earth you wanna go through small, rural areas? That starts my nightmare. All the turnings and bumps makes me felt I'm going to fade up and just walk to Kulim.

Luckily, we arrived safe, excluded the horrible feelings we get. Bought the returned tickets too, 6/10, this time, Plusliner, at 11:30 pm. Why? Earlier bus is at morning, too rush. RM 33.60 caused by it's Tuesday. Whatever!!! No more crazy rides.

Met my junior, that's Meng Li. She's from Kulim, Kedah. Stopped by her house for one night. Good girl, just wierd. She took us to hawker stall nearby, still I'm dizzed by the ride, bought cup noodles, but turn up having it at other place, at Pantai Pasir Hitam, told you later.

Planned a little before Siew Kim dozed off, Meng Li's room turns up to be our first stop.

Wanna know more, see you in the next post!!!





有個小朋友睡前將糖果放在枕頭邊, 結果長了螞蟻, 螞蟻從他的耳朵鑽進去,  但小朋友並沒有感覺。

後來,小朋友的頭皮, 臉部開始出現搔養,皮膚科醫生檢查不出來原因, 最後住院檢查, 發現他的腦部有一大群的螞蟻寄生, 但醫生卻毫無辦法救他, 只能眼睜睜的看小生命結束。



其實這個故事我在高中的時候, 也曾聽護理老師說過。

他兒子有個同學常犯頭痛, 儘管頭痛欲裂就是查無原因, 最後住院檢查。

護士告誡病人的家屬, 不可在床邊吃東西, 因為床上常有螞蟻爬行 , 但家人均不斷否認,  當病人不治逝世的時候, 醫院對遺體進行解剖。

赫然發現右腦已被螞蟻啃食得只剩一半, 因此進行全身解剖, 知道嗎?



真是太噁心 !

This is an article sent by a friend, forgot to post it.

Trip to Kedah, here it comes~~~

I'm Back from Kedah!!!

Well, actually it's last week I'm home, it's just I can't get the line...

Ahahaha, so this post should be posted last Wednesday.

Why? Because I just got home early about 4:15 in the morning.

This is my rough schedule to Kedah.

4/10 : Take bus from 3:30 to 9:00 in the evening, bus number 7079, Delima Express.
Not I'm talking bad things about this company, but they really have to change their system.
Why? It's late for 1 hour, OK, fine, Sunday traffic jam.
Then? Walau, sssssssllllllllllllloooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww~~~~~~~~~~~
And the ride was bumpy, but never mind, reached.

Conclusion: Don't take Delima Express, counter 93 in Puduraya Bus Station. Take Plusliner, slightly expensive RM 1 or 2, but comfortable and for those who is on-vehicle-can't-sleep friends, take a night bus at 11:30 in the evening, sure you would sleep, cause I'm the one who can't sleep in the bus.

5/10 : Start a day with surfing the web, any hotels, get a bus to Gurun, there's a bus to Kuala Kedah.
Missed? No problem, ask the bus driver to take you to Pekan Rabu or any place could go
Kuala Kedah. Why? Go Langkawi!!!

Conclusion: Better get a plastic bag and a book, the journey to Gurun is about 1 1/2 hours, if missed,
another 1 1/2 hours to Pekan Rabu. Take boat, you have to check the weather. If OK to
ride then buy the ticket. Remember to ask what time was the last trip back, that's the

6/10 : Planned location, hired a driver if you can't drive, or you can rent a car, most near the ferry
jetty, they'll ask you some questions. If fast, 10 minutes, slow, about 30 minutes. Better book
the car before you were on the way to Langkawi by boat. When returned the car, make sure
it's still in good shape, checking the rent car takes a long time about 25 minutes, don't buy the
ferry ticket to close to the checking time. Better 1 people go buy the ticket, 1 take the luggage,
and 1 accompanied in car checking session.

Conclusion: Time really is money, if you missed the ferry you need to pay extra, don't try.

Well, interested in what happened when I'm in Kedah, tell you next post.


Sunday, October 11, 2009


へへ、きょわ日本語でつ、よろしく おねがしまつ~~~









