Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I wanna go out!!!

I hate when my house doesn't have line...

I hate when assignment deadline is around the corner, still my groupmates can go shopping...

I hate when my hardwork didn't sleep for few days can get a C when those who have preety face can get a B plus some more get an A...

I hate when my groupmates likes to drag things out then blame it's my fault giving tension...

I hate when the lecturers and tutors said "we must think ahead and out of the box", let them check, complaining that we are out of our mind, too creative...

Yalah, you're the boss la!!!

Yalah, I'm horrible la, so what, don't group with me la, smart allect!!!

Yalah, people with preety face and a little acting can sell yourself la, people talk fluently, acsy la!!!

Yalah, too much work for you la, don't do lo, get an F la, talk like crap!!!

Yalah, too creative la, stay in a hole la, you won't see anything that is out of your freaking mind la!!!

Piss out, anything is our fault, don't wanna be a leader, put me in, then complaining I'm this, I'm that, shut up la, you're that almighty then you be the leader!!!

Waste my life source, energy, and breathe talking to them, I wanna go out, SHOPPING!!!

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