Monday, November 19, 2012

How long...

How long you've been not meeting up your friends since the last time?

How long you've been not spending time reading your favourite book?

How long you've been not crying because you've just watched a touching movie?

How long you've been not laughing for nothing but just hanging out with families?

How long you've been sitting in front of Facebook viewing updates and posts?

How long you've been not doing nothing and just looking at the sky?

How long you've been taking time reading this post?

How long would you realize that there are two sentences above does not have "not" after "been"?

How long will you take to read these sentences back while you saw the previous sentences?

We have been living in an instant society that everything must be cut clean and simple, we have spent hours in our work and in front of computers, but ask yourself just one simple question:

How long you've been not surfing on Internet and ask your friends and family out for a date, chit chatting and doing nothing, leaving your deadlines and stress way back from you?

But it is hard for us, for Facebook have replaced our bond in relationship, and materialistic behaviour proves who we are. That is the creation of the mind set in this generation, we avoid ourselves to expose to the world, we felt safe hidden behind monitors and social security walls.

Taking away yourself from Facebook one hour everyday and spend it doing other stuff that you have not been doing, reading you name it. Spend sometime being the true you, and slowly, you will see the difference.


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