Monday, June 2, 2008

I'm sorry...

I've knew it since we met
The unsecureness in you
I knew you've hurt before
That's why you trust no one
You've always be alone
Planting thornes around you
Let no one in
So that you can't get hurt again
I thought I have the ability to change you
But I was too naive
I've never thought about what will happen
I've hurt you so
I know that I don't deserved your apologies
But you've forgive me so
You've gave me chances
You've always been beside me
Hoping I would find you
You've once said you've shut your heart
The reason was me
But do you realised that a girl had opened it for you
She was the pure angel that you've long seek
But she can't be with you forever as I do
She has to follow her dreams
So you let her go
That's why you came for me
Coz I'll comfort you
As who you wanted me to be
I told myself to let you go
Coz I can't forever be with you
I can't see myself in your eyes
I'm just a substitude that can reduce the bitterness of remembering her
You seek security from me
Asking me reasons by and by
Make me can't face you anymore
I've lost all the faith and trust no one
The answers I've longed you to give
You've gave it to her
That's why I wanna said good bye
You won't let me to
You've ask for a second chance as you did give me before
I'm hurt as you too
You've hurt me twice
Do you know that I'm not just hurting you three years ago
I was heartbroken too
Coz I knew I wasn't the girl you wanted
From the past till now and for the future
The same thing happened now again
You've said I've tortured you
You've tortured me as well
I can't stand it anymore
That's why I wanted to break free from you
I know I've changed
But the same thing I wanna repeat again
That I wanna tell you
I'm sorry
I'm not the girl you want
I wish you all the best
You can have my courage
Just go and be with her
Tell her the truth
Don't let her go again
At last
All can say that
I'm sorry

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