Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tagged la...

Well, I'm still being chased by my editor [WHAT!!!] as I still haven't my post.

So, I think I'll just rather go faster...

1. Each blogger must post this rules
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves
3. Each blogger needs to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog.

1. I am Agnes, well, I don't have ten random facts about myself, so I'll give it a try...

2. I am tagged by Fishie, my dear grand-daughter... As I'm a grandma for a fish, so you can know... I'm not a human... Kidding... [BE SERIOUS!!!]

3. I am in love with a secret guy whose name is Watanuki, please, of course he's anime character la... You can find him in XXX Holic...

4. I have friends from Earth and from other planet lo... [SERIOUS!!!]

5. I am studying in UTAR.

6. I love all my friends. Naaaaaaaaa, not all, I obsessed with them!!!

7. I love my family. My WHOLE family. From my eldest grandmother to my youngest niece/nephew. And including the puppies!!!

8. I love writing stories. Seriously. Never get bored of it. Not just that, I love drawing mangas, sewing, reading,... etc.

9. I think I'm obsessed with my job as SOHO worker. It's true as I liked spending time just do the typing work only...

10. I loved a lot of food, example, Roti Canai, Ice- Cream, and etc.

The poor and pitiful victims of my dreadful and powerful taggersss
Anyone from Mars and Earth...


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